
Recipe of Delicious Thai chicken & basil fried rice

Recipe of Delicious Thai chicken & basil fried rice
Recipe of Delicious Thai chicken & basil fried rice

Hey everyone, it’s Clark, I hope you are having an amazing day. Today I’m gonna show you how to prepare a special dish, Thai chicken & basil fried rice. It is one of my favourite food recipe, this time i will make it a little bit tasty. This will be really delicious.

Thai chicken & basil fried rice Recipe. These Thai chicken dishes are flavorful and healthy, filled with aromatic herbs and bold flavors. Our collection features some of the most beloved Thai chicken recipes, from soups to curries, satays to.

You can cook Thai chicken & basil fried rice using 13 ingredients and 11 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Thai chicken & basil fried rice

  1. Take 300 gm of chicken breasts ( boneless), cut into strips.
  2. Make ready 2 tsp of minced garlic.
  3. Prepare 1 tbsp of minced ginger.
  4. Take 2 tbsp of spring onion ( bulbs ).
  5. Prepare 1 small of onion, finely sliced.
  6. Make ready 20 of basil leaves.
  7. Prepare 2 & 1/2 tsp of red chilli , minced.
  8. You need 1/2 tsp of red chilli flakes.
  9. It’s 4 tbsp of oil.
  10. Prepare to taste of salt.
  11. It’s of For garnishing.
  12. It’s as needed of basil leaves, deep fried.
  13. Make ready as needed of sliced shallots , deep fried.

Find healthy, delicious Thai chicken recipes, from the food and nutrition experts at EatingWell.This simple Thai Basil Chicken, known as Pad Grapow, is insanely quick and inexpensive to make.This recipe is always a big hit with the family!It's also quite easy to make.

Thai chicken & basil fried rice step by step

  1. .
  2. Add ginger, garlic,spring onions,onion and red chillies. Saute until soft and the ginger and garlic release their aromas..
  3. Add the sliced chicken and saute on high heat for 5 minutes..
  4. Add the sauce mix and continue to saute for another 2-3 minutes..
  5. Add the basil leaves and saute for a minute..
  6. Add red chilli flakes..
  7. Add the rice and continue to saute, stirring briskly..
  8. Check seasoning and add salt accordingly..
  9. Remove from heat and transfer to a serving dish..
  10. Garnish with fried basil leaves and fried shallots..
  11. Serve with fish sauce with chillies(Nam Pla Prik Kheenoul)..

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Chicken Pad Thai - Isn't it about time we stopped relying on take out to get Pad Thai and making it at home instead?The ultimate recipe for your chicken on the grill.Thai BBQ Chicken or "Gai Yang" will be the only recipe you need this summer!These Thai chicken curry recipes are fragrant, quick and easy that make a great alternative to a This is an easy, foolproof Thai chicken curry recipe.The water chestnuts add a lovely crunch, but should.