
Recipe of Appetizing Mike's Garlic Linguini Alfredo

Recipe of Appetizing Mike's Garlic Linguini Alfredo
Recipe of Appetizing Mike's Garlic Linguini Alfredo

Hey everyone, it’s Clark, welcome to my recipe site. Today I will show you a way to prepare a special dish, Mike's Garlic Linguini Alfredo. This is one of my favourite food recipe, this time i will make it a little bit tasty. This will be smell and look delicious.

Mike's Garlic Linguini Alfredo Recipe.

You can cook Mike's Garlic Linguini Alfredo using 24 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Mike's Garlic Linguini Alfredo

  1. Make ready of ● For The Noodles.
  2. It’s as needed of Al Dente Artisinal Garlic Linguini Noodles.
  3. Prepare as needed of Garlic Olive Oil.
  4. Make ready to taste of Fine Minced Basil.
  5. It’s of ● For The Garlic Alfredo Sauce.
  6. Take 2 Cups of Heavy Cream.
  7. Prepare 1/2 Cup of Parmesan Cheese [shreadded - or Gruyere works as well].
  8. You need 1/4 Cup of Mozzarella Cheese [shreadded].
  9. It’s 2 tbsp of Philadelphia Cream Cheese.
  10. You need 1 Stick of Kerrygold Garlic Herb Butter.
  11. Make ready 1 tbsp of Fine Minced Garlic.
  12. Prepare 1 Can of Artichokes [fully drained - chopped].
  13. Prepare 1 Can of Black Olives [halved].
  14. Make ready 1/4 Cup of Fresh Parsley [+ reserves for garnish].
  15. Prepare 4 oz of Can Sliced Mushrooms [or 1/2 cup fresh].
  16. Take to taste of Fresh Ground Black Pepper.
  17. Make ready to taste of Salt.
  18. Prepare of ● Sides/Options.
  19. Take to taste of Grilled Chicken.
  20. It’s to taste of Crab Meat.
  21. Make ready to taste of Fresh Clams.
  22. Make ready to taste of Shrimp.
  23. It’s as needed of Garlic Bread.
  24. You need as needed of Garden Salad.

Mike's Garlic Linguini Alfredo step by step

  1. Here's what you'll need in steps 1 thru 3..
  2. Kerrygold and Philadelphia brands pictured..
  3. 3 minute Garlic Linguini pictured..
  4. Chop all veggies and and add everything to the pot. Simmer for 15 minutes..
  5. Or, if you're feeling lethargic like my 7 year old student was today - feel free to cheat with the Ragu or Bertoli brands of Alfredo. They don't carry that odd metallic taste that most brands do. Just use 2 jars and a good splash of heavy cream. Enjoy!.
  6. Heat your oven and begin to make your garlic bread..
  7. Boil your water and add a drop of oil, a tsp of salt and fresh basil, Boil as per manufacturers directions.This specific brand takes only 3 minutes..
  8. Drain your noodles and lightly drizzle with garlic olive oil. Toss well..
  9. Plate your dish and garnish with fresh parsley and parmesan cheese. Enjoy!.