
Step-by-Step Guide to Make Perfect Strawberry-Banana Sour Smoothie

Step-by-Step Guide to Make Perfect Strawberry-Banana Sour Smoothie
Step-by-Step Guide to Make Perfect Strawberry-Banana Sour Smoothie

Hey everyone, I hope you are having an amazing day. Today I will show you how to make a distinctive dish, Strawberry-Banana Sour Smoothie. It is one of my favourite food recipe, this time i’am gonna make it a little bit tasty. This will be really delicious.

Strawberry-Banana Sour Smoothie Recipe. Pretty sure that I have made literally thousands of smoothies over the years. But one particular smoothie recipe that will always be a fave was the.

You can have Strawberry-Banana Sour Smoothie using 5 ingredients and 1 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Strawberry-Banana Sour Smoothie

  1. Prepare 300 grams of strawberry.
  2. Take 2 of bananas.
  3. Prepare 250 ml of strawberry yoghurt drink (cimory).
  4. You need 40 grams of milk (fashion flag).
  5. You need of ice cube.

In this video, Strawberry Sue teaches you how to make her delicious strawberry banana smoothie.This strawberry banana smoothie is my go-to smoothie recipe… The smooth and creamy consistency makes it seem like such an indulgent But we also use it as a substitute for sour cream and mayonnaise.When it comes to plain Greek yogurt, you'll find a lot of choices at the grocery store.This refreshing strawberry banana smoothie recipe is perfect for summer afternoons or as a healthy breakfast!

Strawberry-Banana Sour Smoothie instructions

  1. Put strawberries and bananas into blender. Pour strawberry yoghurt drink and milk. Add ice cubes. Blend them until smooth..

The smoothie of all smoothies…the classic Strawberry Banana Smoothie!You all know how I love smoothies.A strawberry and banana smoothie makes the perfect breakfast or afternoon snack, and it's an easy meal you can feel good about.

This refreshing strawberry banana smoothie recipe is the perfect healthy breakfast!It's lightly sweet, a little creamy, and totally satisfying.This STRAWBERRY BANANA SMOOTHIE is quick and easy to make, using healthy ingredients.This Strawberry Banana Smoothie is a delicious way to get more fruit into your day.I love having it for breakfast, or as a mid-afternoon snack, because it tastes like such a treat!