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Step-by-Step Guide to Prepare Appetizing American Flag Cake

Step-by-Step Guide to Prepare Appetizing American Flag Cake
Step-by-Step Guide to Prepare Appetizing American Flag Cake

Hello everybody, welcome to our recipe page. Today I’m gonna show you how to prepare a special dish, American Flag Cake. It is one of my favourite food recipe, this time i’am gonna make it a little bit tasty. This will be really delicious.

American Flag Cake Recipe.

You can have American Flag Cake using 14 ingredients and 20 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of American Flag Cake

  1. Take of Cake.
  2. You need of Cream cheese.
  3. Prepare of White sugar.
  4. You need of Cake flour.
  5. You need of Honey.
  6. Prepare of Heavy cream.
  7. You need of Eggs.
  8. You need of Lemon zest.
  9. Prepare of Lemon juice.
  10. It’s of White rum.
  11. It’s of Toppings.
  12. You need of Cranberry jam.
  13. It’s of Blueberry jam.
  14. It’s of Star-shaped white chocolates.

American Flag Cake instructions

  1. Pre-heat the oven to 200℃ (392℉)..
  2. Pour the cake mixture into the baking tray, and then lightly drop the tray few times to make the surface even..
  3. Cover with foil. *Leave enough space to allow expansion as it bakes..
  4. To make a white surface use foil when baking. Or you can flip it out and use the bottom, but it will be wet..
  5. Pour 1/3 water in the grill tray for steam baking..
  6. Bake at 200℃ (392 ℉) for 1 hr..
  7. Let it cool. Do not touch the cake. It's easy to break..
  8. Wrap with foil and put in the refrigerator to make it tight. *Leave space when wrapping to let the moisture out..
  9. Cut foils. Make 13 stripes and 1 rectangle..
  10. Take out the cake from the tray. *Remove moisture on the surface if it is there..
  11. Place stripe foils on the cake..
  12. Place a rectangle foil on the top left corner..
  13. Put foil on each side..
  14. Paste cranberry jam on the white stripes..
  15. Remove the rectangle foil..
  16. Lift and fold up the top 3 foil stripes to the right..
  17. Paste blueberry jam on the rectangle..
  18. Place 50 star chocolates on the blueberry jam..
  19. Remove all foil gently and done!.
  20. How to make this cheesecake mixture, please refer to my other recipe → Recipe ID : 13303986.